4 min read
20 Oct

One of the most common questions we hear at ShoreSource Business Solutions is, “How can you perform the job duties of a bookkeeper if you are not physically in our office?”.  We understand and appreciate that question.  Outsourcing is becoming more and more popular for a fortitude of reasons.    Outsourcing is the process of hiring another company, or qualified person, to handle business activities on your behalf.  Thankfully, we live in a modern world that offers computers, Zoom, shared file management systems, cloud-based platforms, etc.  All of these ‘tools’ enable us, the ‘outsourcers,’ to do almost any job duty remote for a business.   

Here at ShoreSource, we wanted to give you a brief overview of our process and how we engage with our clients.   

Start with the Mission – Our virtual approach allows us to offer you a wide range of services in a paperless fashion from a remote location while giving you full access to your financial information.   Our mission does not change for every client.   

Communicate – We ask a series of questions to help us understand more about the business and their needs.  We don’tsell a standard package.  All packages are custom to the company, their tenure, their needs, and their industry.  Custom scope of works allows the business owner to ensure he/she is getting what they need.   

Shared Platforms – As we mentioned at the top, technology is our friend.  We allow technology to work for us, not against us.  At ShoreSource, we use a variety of technology platforms to ensure documents are shared compliantly with ourselves and our clients and organized in a manner that you have full access to your financial information ( hint: our mission).   

Experts – We are committed to staying at the top of our field and up to date on new tricks and tips for our clients to ensure they are taken care of.  Matt Buckner, our Founder and CEO, believes in continued education and certifications.  Matt is a QuickBooks ProAdvisor, and he, along with his team, will continue to grow for you and your business.   

As you read through our blog, you will see a common theme.  We are here for you, our clients.  Again, our mission is simple.  Our mission is what drives us to continue to do more for our business community.   

Are you interested in learning more about ShoreSource Business Solutions, LLC?   
Feel free to reach us at 843.729.2961 or info@shoresourcebiz.com.